Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Walking down the street with a leg in my hand

Sometimes inspiration comes in strange places. When I finished my audition in Chicago for Shark Tank on May 11, I left the hotel to walk 2 blocks to the garage. Which took me one hour. Why? Because I kept getting stopped by people on the street. It's not everyday you see someone walking around with an extra leg ... it really IS a conversation piece!

Driving home I had a realization. This was something I should tap into! After all... the leg is otherwise just sitting in my basement, waiting for the next Show. So that's it. I decided. I'm just going to carry the leg around. Just because. 

And if I'm just going to carry the leg around, I might as well take some pictures of it. Doing wacky things. Like going to the dentist. And taking a shower. Or whatever. So I created a new storyline on my facebook page that's all about the leg. And how it starts out as an ankle. And then grows up. But of course!:


New adventures posted daily. Make sure to check it out. It can be your LOL of the day!

So what do YOU think the leg should do next?
Leave a comment and let me know  ;)

Monday, May 7, 2012

time to swim with the Sharks?

if you are like me and LOVE abc's entertaining new show about entrepreneurship...let's just jump in the tank!
The casting folks are on their way to Chi-town so can't miss the chance to get up front and personal with them and see if I can get under their clothes (in a manner of speaking..;)
Not sure how it'll all go, but nothing ventured nothing gained, right?
Let's hope they get all excited and just want to take a bite out of THIS!